3 comments on “Network Learning Project: Update #2

  1. Zachary, I am seriously impressed at how quickly you were able to play the cello. You didn’t even need to use any fingering tape. Soon, you will be a virtuoso! 😉

    • Haha. I don’t know about that… but thank you! Truth in the matter is that I am probably a little obsessed… I practice far too much for how busy I am in life right now!

  2. The amount of practice time you’ve put in puts me to shame. I like the way that you’re taking a more holistic approach, working on the vibrato at the same time as your fingering and bow work. I thought it was fitting that you relied so heavily on video for this update, rather than text; it shows your confidence in your digital storytelling abilities, but more importantly plays to the strength of what you’re trying to share with us; the music of the cello.

    Nice quick overview of what you’ve been working on, where you want to go, and what you’ve had to do to get here. Keep up the weekly updates, and consider sharing with some of your other networks; if you have a playlist created on Youtube of your videos, sharing it on Twitter with the #musicED or #artsED hashtags.

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