One comment on “How I Save Time

  1. There is always value in the reflection aspect of blogging, even if it doesn’t include something “special” or “original”. The simple act of putting thoughts out into the ether at least means that you’ll have a treasure trove of thoughts to sift back through a few years from now.

    That having been said, my own best practices are quite inefficient as well. The public sharing and openness of Google certainly does help with the accountability piece, but you also might want to consider setting some calendar events with email reminders if you find yourself not living up to deadlines. Additionally, there are some clever “To Do List” templates available if the “more eyes” strategy doesn’t work out (

    As for issues with Google Drive on mobile devices, I’ve had a lot of success with the mobile app on both Android and iOS devices. Spreadsheets are still funky within the apps, but collaboration and regular docs work quite well.

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