4 comments on “PLN Map – The Big Picture

  1. Lots to quote here, Zach 🙂

    Your mapped connections show a much more mature approach to understanding your learning network. I wouldn’t worry so much about the inability to process so much information at once, as the true key to understanding where to apply the knowledge you’re gathering is in found in it’s impact to your network.

    I’m curious about your connection of digital media to impersonal, especially with it’s further connection to social media. I’m guessing that implies your tendency to consume media and video with little creation. I’m hoping that as you share more videos from your network learning project you might start to think differently about how personal digital media can become.

    • Thanks for the insights! It is definitely the case that I tend to be a consumer of media rather than a creator (at least with regards to digital sharing). I like to keep my favorite work close to the chest until I feel that I have developed it more thoroughly. This never happens, though, because I do not tend to every really complete things to the degree that I desire.

      That is definitely something I need to get over!

      • Sharing is caring, right? And all of your CEP 810 people care about you 🙂

        Seriously though, throwing out the imperfections before something is ready can be quite powerful. You’re certainly under no obligation to share to that degree, but it can do wonders to be able to connect each stage of the growing and learning process; just look at what it did for George Lucas and his multiple iterations of his saga.

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